Couple of days ago the Sheriff brings around a man in an Alliance uniform. Says I need to answer some questions regarding that amazingly kind act I did a few weeks back, giving that Alliance lady a ride back to the cruiser, and footage of me wandering around the cruiser, lost. And something about a break-in and theft in said cruiser a few days later.

I didn't wanna go and I told him so real polite-like, but when he threatened to bring an extraction team and pick me up, I didn't have no choice. Didn't wanna risk bringing that down on the people of Hale's.
'Course, I shoulda known he was up to no good.

The Sheriff went with us up to the cruiser, and I'm glad he did 'cause if he hadn't, I prolly wouldn't' be alive right now. Y'see, as soon as the door closed behind us -- the Sheriff waited in the hallway -- the gorram hwoon dan pulled a gun on me. Fired warning shots, put it to my head, threatened to shoot me if I didn't tell him what I wanna hear. Well, if you've ever been pinched, you know what I'm talking about.

I didn't tell him nothing, though, I ain't got nothing to say to the likes of him. The bastard even had the nerve to insult my choice in footwear.
He finally let me go, though, after warning me that they'd be keeping their eyes on me.
And that's when it hit me. It was stupid, gorram stupid, to settle down in the first place. I get stupid when I fall in love, and I fell so damn hard in love with that ugly chunk of rock they call a moon that I couldn't think straight.
If you're always on the move, people can't find you. Easy as pie. That Purplebelly son of a biao zi can't keep his gorram eyes on me if he don't got a place where he can expect to find me.
It's breaking my little heart, but I don't got no other choice but to cancel the lease on my apartment and get my things, the bed and the desk and the gun racks and everything, packed away for storage.
I ain't closing the Lounge, that would be too much for me to bear. I just won't be living there any more, so there won't be no reason for him to come looking. Looking, and possibly be hurting my friends in the process. He seemed right unbalanced, that one. Stupid, gorram cho san ba.
But, I digress. The Lounge. It will stay open still, anyone can come and sit down whenever they like, and I'll try and staff it as often as I can, whenever whatever boat I'm staying on at the moment sets down on Hale's. And Lily told me today she wants to dance there for tips, so that will probably draw a crowd, anyways. I can always use the extra coin. Always.
Been thinking about taking flying lessons, too. Maybe Jai can teach me. If I work real hard and save up, maybe I can afford a little boat of my own. Nothing big enough to do trade runs, but enough so I can move around my own self if I need to. Could keep it moored on Hale's, also, cheap dockage fees and all.
Found a couple snapshots I wanted to post, since looking at them puts me in a better mood, and I sure could use some better moods right now.

Flying. Nothing like it.

Friends. Friends are the best thing to have in the whole gorram 'verse.
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