Faulkin came 'round in the evening for a drink, and it was nice as always to see him. Didn't even get a chance to open my new bottle of scotch before we heard a loud thump on the roof of the Lounge. I ran outside, and just barely managed to glimpse something huge and black and ugly leaping up onto the apartment building. It had a scanner, and flashed it at all of us, it was right unsettling.

Faulkin drew his weapon and opened fire on it, despite my advice against it. The robot ran away, and Faulkin ran after, with me following - it was a right case of follow the leader. After a while the bot opened return fire, just barely missing me, and then it disappeared. Me, Faulkin and Krenshar regrouped in the street, and I stupidly went to mention the warbot they got parked in Firefly's bar.
'Fore we knew it, the large, black bot appeared on the roof above us; it had been eavesdropping on us. There was a voice that said something like, "Information>Subject>Raids>Acquired", and it leapt over the building and was gone. I got a very bad feeling about it, a feeling Faulkin didn't share, and while he wandered off, I ran over to Firefly's.

Right enough. There the big bot was, and it was scanning the smaller, nastier-looking bot. "Analysis:Subject>Raids Blackburne> Notes Prototype Motivation Unit Removed>Request Auxiliary unit for replacement", it said.
I bravely waved Brunhilde at it, telling it to go away - yes, I know, but what else could I do? And then it said "Escape Options>Limited>initiating Self destruct", and self-destructed it did... blew itself up, I had to throw myself out of the way to not be hit by the flying parts.

I left the parts there to be cleared away by the bar's staff. Or Amon, perhaps, it'd be the kinda thing he'd find interesting.
I voiced my concern to Kren, but he didn't seem to think there was a problem. I think that "requesting auxiliary unit for replacement" of the small bot's motivation chip is a LOT to be worried about.
Later that evening I spoke to the mayor, but she didn't seem worried, either. Just said she she weren't surprised, that she had intel that someone would like to spy on us.
So, yeah. Getting fed up with people being indifferent. Really am. As for my part, I will take to sleeping with Brunhilde from now on.

You just count on it.
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