When I came back a few days ago I ran into the Sheriff, and we had a little chat. Turned out they know who did it, and there's a reward for the capture of said thief. A crate of beer for the captor, which didn't sound all that tempting at first. Once he told me there are 850 cans of the stuff in the crate, then it became a whole different matter.

850 cans of beer, even Dharma beer, is always 850 cans of beer, so I suppose I'll get into the bounty hunting business. Even if I have to split it with someone, it's still 425 cans of beer. Should last me all week.
The Sheriff was non-specific as to whether he wanted the criminal dead or alive, but I'll try to aim for alive.
I was in the tidied-up general store with the Sheriff and Emma when, once more, I was rudely disturbed by a fella. They really should wear all purple, all the time, so I'll know from a distance who they are and thus prepare a less polite approach.

He was some kinda Alliance investigator, and he said that someone had, again, broken into the cruiser stationed above Hale's and vandalised the quarters of the hwoon dan who pushed me around a month back. That, in combination with the words "Remember G" etched into a wall, had me pegged as a suspect.
I told him what I knew, which was of course "absolutely nothing", and while he seemed kinda content with that, I still got a bad feeling. There's something... eerie about a fella that's so calm and reasonable. Even if dealing with scum isn't my favourite past-time, at least they show their cards.

He also seemed to believe that Duncan had something to do with it, which I find kinda hard to believe. Even if he would do a thing like that, he definitely wouldn't try to frame me for it. I sent him a wave, telling him to be on the lookout for a slippery man with questions.
The fun never ends.
Been thinking about Faulkin a bit lately. I ain't seen him in a dog's age, it feels like. Maybe I should send him a wave, see if he wants to meet up for drinks and talks.
[2009/09/03 10:29] Gallagher Aeon: Oh. Howdy.
[2009/09/03 10:30] Jnkz Sorbet: Dr. Aeon. I received your message
[2009/09/03 10:30] Gallagher Aeon: I am not a doctor any more. You can call me Sheriff or Gallagher.
[2009/09/03 10:31] Jnkz Sorbet: My apologies, Sheriff it is then. I am to assume one of these two is Miss Yazimoto?
[2009/09/03 10:31] Gabe Yazimoto blinks.
[2009/09/03 10:31] Gallagher Aeon: Yep.
[2009/09/03 10:31] Gabe Yazimoto elbows Gallagher.
[2009/09/03 10:31] Gallagher Aeon: What? He said you're not in trouble. Just gotta ask you a few questions.
[2009/09/03 10:32] Gabe Yazimoto: That's what you said last time.
[2009/09/03 10:32] Emma Ditko: "Where we heard that before..."
[2009/09/03 10:32] Gabe Yazimoto nods at Emma.
[2009/09/03 10:32] Gallagher Aeon: The other said you might have been in trouble. He said you're not.
[2009/09/03 10:33] Jnkz Sorbet: Your Sheriff is correct, you are not in trouble. I simply wish to speak, as sensible adults, regarding an investigation.
[2009/09/03 10:33] Gabe Yazimoto sighs. "Sure. But I ain't goin' up in no space ship."
[2009/09/03 10:33] Jnkz Sorbet: As a gesture of good faith, I am even unarmed.
[2009/09/03 10:33] Gabe Yazimoto: As far as I can see, anyhow...
[2009/09/03 10:34] Jnkz Sorbet smirks. "We can conduct the interveiw here, in front of witnesses, if you prefer."
[2009/09/03 10:34] Gabe Yazimoto: I would prefer that, yes. Right-o.
[2009/09/03 10:35] Jnkz Sorbet nods, and takes a moment to prepare his questions. "Firstly, you are aware of Alliance officer Raymond Janic?"
[2009/09/03 10:35] Gallagher Aeon coughs.
[2009/09/03 10:35] Gabe Yazimoto bristles. "Aware? Yes, I am aware. Bastard threatened to kill me."
[2009/09/03 10:36] Jnkz Sorbet nods, "Yes, that would be the one. Good."
[2009/09/03 10:36] Gabe Yazimoto frowns.
[2009/09/03 10:37] Gallagher Aeon: Insulted your boots too if I remember correctly.
[2009/09/03 10:37] Gabe Yazimoto: Yes, he did. Hwoon dan. No fashion sense what so ever. I was most insulted.
[2009/09/03 10:38] Jnkz Sorbet: "Unfortunatly, good taste is not a requirment in the rank and file. Sometimes, people with no style tend to slip into important places."
[2009/09/03 10:38] Gabe Yazimoto: Hmpf. Obviously.
[2009/09/03 10:38] Gallagher Aeon coughs. "That explains why the 'lliance soldiers' uniforms have pink stripes."
[2009/09/03 10:39] Gabe Yazimoto smirks.
[2009/09/03 10:39] Jnkz Sorbet: "Moving on, are you also aware that Mr. Janic was robbed, recently?"
[2009/09/03 10:39] Gabe Yazimoto shakes her head. "I was not. Very, very sorry to hear that. Truly."
[2009/09/03 10:41] Jnkz Sorbet: "Please, Miss Yazimoto, there is no need for false sympathies. Officer Janic is not a well liked man. He got where he is because he gets the job done, far too well, compared to those of us who like to achieve rank through more honest means. I would not be surprised is many of his own subordinates are laughing at his misfortune as well."
[2009/09/03 10:42] Gabe Yazimoto shrugs apathetically. "Fine. He got what was coming to him, then. And that comes from the heart."
[2009/09/03 10:43] Jnkz Sorbet: "Now, please understand Miss Yazimoto, I am not here to accuse you of committing the crime. I can see you are far too intelligent to risk destabilising the precarious balance we have here, over a minor grudge."
[2009/09/03 10:43] Gabe Yazimoto blinks. "Dest... the pre... balance. Yes. Far too intelligent."
[2009/09/03 10:44] Jnkz Sorbet: "However, Based on evidence found at the crime scene, we have concluded that it is likely, that someone is either framing you, or using you as their own motive for doing this."
[2009/09/03 10:44] Gabe Yazimoto scowls. "Evidence? What evidence? I didn't have nothin' to do with any robbery."
[2009/09/03 10:45] Gallagher Aeon: Janic did say we hadn't heard the last from him. I wouldn't be surprised if he planted the evidence himself. When did the robbery happen? Because I happen to know for a fact that Gabe has been in Prosperity for the past week or so.
[2009/09/03 10:47] Jnkz Sorbet: "Grafitti, Miss Yazimoto. The criminals left some scorched into the walls of Officer Janics room. 'Remember G'. When asked who 'G' could be, we were given two names by Mr. Janic. Gallagher, and Gabe.
[2009/09/03 10:47] Gallagher Aeon: Sounds like a cheap trick. Anyone could write that.
[2009/09/03 10:47] Gabe Yazimoto frowns. "Anyone coulda done that."
[2009/09/03 10:48] Jnkz Sorbet smiles again, "As I said, Sheriff Aeon, I am not here to accuse. But the truth requires all leads to be investigated."
[2009/09/03 10:48] Gallagher Aeon: Of course. In your position I would do the same.
[2009/09/03 10:49] Jnkz Sorbet: "The reason I have come here, is to ascertain, if either of you have contacts, or enemies, who would do this on your behalf, or, to set you up."
[2009/09/03 10:49] Gallagher Aeon: The only person I can think of who would want to frame either of us would be Raymond Janic himself. He was noticeably angry that he didn't get any information out of us. If he can send Gabe down another way I have to think he would.
[2009/09/03 10:50] Gabe Yazimoto: I ain't friends with everyone I ever met, but I can't think of anyone who'd go through all that trouble when they could just find me and shoot me.
[2009/09/03 10:51] Gabe Yazimoto nods at Gallagher.
[2009/09/03 10:51] Jnkz Sorbet: "I am forced to agree, Miss Yazimoto, thats why I also wish to know, if you have any reckless associates, who may have perceived striking at Mr. Janic, as doing you a favour. Understand, none will be punished, we simply wish to retrieve our equipment, and return the status quo."
[2009/09/03 10:52] Gabe Yazimoto squares her shoulders. "Can't think of a single one."
[2009/09/03 10:52] Gallagher Aeon: I could contact you if I hear anything or think of anyone. But as I say. I am inclined to think that maybe Raymond Janic would be more than capable of doing this himself.
[2009/09/03 10:54] Jnkz Sorbet: "It is more than likely. Especially considering the ship used to board the frigate, was of a design we recently confiscated a great number of, and considering the intruders bypassed security with one of our own codes."
[2009/09/03 10:54] Gabe Yazimoto: Sounds like a done deal, then. You go and pick that Janic fella up and give what's coming to him.
[2009/09/03 10:55] Gallagher Aeon: You are a private investigator? I will give you a crate of beer if you investigate Raymond Janic. 850 cans.
[2009/09/03 10:56] Jnkz Sorbet adjusts his glasses, "Perhaps, Miss Yazimoto. Though one more question, whilst on the topic of the ships used. You are a regular aquaintance of Duncan Cooperstone, are you not?"
[2009/09/03 10:56] Gallagher Aeon: We all know Duncan. Good fella.
[2009/09/03 10:57] Jnkz Sorbet smiles at the sheriff. "A tempting offer, but no need. Mr. Janic is already under investigation, from the moment you brought him into this conversation." He taps his glasses, "Direct feed to my superiors."
[2009/09/03 10:57] Gabe Yazimoto shrugs again. "I know Duncan, yes. Stand-up fella. Straight and narrow."
[2009/09/03 10:58] Jnkz Sorbet nods, "I have no doubt he is a decent man. But I will need to be speaking to him as well, both due to your connection to him, and due to the markings on the side of the attacking ship."
[2009/09/03 10:58] Gabe Yazimoto frowns. "I can tell you right now, he didn't have nothin' to do with that."
[2009/09/03 10:58] Gallagher Aeon: Markings?
[2009/09/03 10:58] Jnkz Sorbet: "A large number '12', Sheriff."
[2009/09/03 10:59] Gabe Yazimoto clams up.
[2009/09/03 10:59] Gallagher Aeon: The 12th Cav disbanded months ago. They had dozens of crafts. I believe many were sold at auction.
[2009/09/03 10:59] Jnkz Sorbet: "You of all people should know, Sheriff, organisations disband, ideals and grudges do not."
[2009/09/03 10:59] Gallagher Aeon: Of course.
[2009/09/03 11:00] Jnkz Sorbet: "Though you are correct. Many of their craft are now in private hands, and a great deal in our own hands, which Mr. Janic could well have used."
[2009/09/03 11:00] Gabe Yazimoto nods. "Anyone could have one. And anyone could paint one *on*."
[2009/09/03 11:00] Gallagher Aeon: Janic is a nasty piece of work. Wouldnt surprise me if he playing this one outside the law.
[2009/09/03 11:01] Jnkz Sorbet smiles politely, "You are correct Miss Yazimoto, but as I said before, the pursuit of truth requires me to investigate every lead."
[2009/09/03 11:01] Gallagher Aeon smiles.
[2009/09/03 11:01] Gabe Yazimoto curls her lip. "Tellin' ya. It's a dead lead. Duncan's a straight shooter. 'Sides. He wouldn't implicate me with grafitti. ... were he ever to commit such a bad act, which he wouldn't."
[2009/09/03 11:02] Jnkz Sorbet: "If you could inform Mr. Cooperstone, that he will be spoken to by one of my associates, it would be greatly apreciated. We dont like to drop in unannounced, unlike the military branch of investigation which Mr. Janic belongs to."
[2009/09/03 11:03] Gabe Yazimoto narrows her eyes. "Shiny. If I see him, I'll let him know you're comin'."
[2009/09/03 11:04] Jnkz Sorbet: "That would be most apreciated." He pauses, listening to some unheard communication, "I'm afraid I must depart, another lead requires my attention. Good day. You have been most helpful. I will keep you apprised of my findings, of course."
[2009/09/03 11:05] Gabe Yazimoto nods shortly.
[2009/09/03 11:05] Gabe Yazimoto mutters to herself.
[2009/09/03 11:07] Gallagher Aeon: You know anything about this? Or are you as lost as I am?
[2009/09/03 11:07] Gabe Yazimoto: I don't know a damn thing. He's got it all backwards.
[2009/09/03 11:07] Emma Ditko: "'Least he wasn't shooting answers outta you like the last one..."
[2009/09/03 11:07] Gabe Yazimoto: Yeah. This must be my lucky day.
**Private video wave sent to Duncan via the Cortex** Hey, Duncan, Gabe here. Just thought I'd let you know that some Alliance investigator is lookin' for you. He just asked me a buncha questions about some robbery, seems someone has tried to frame me for it. He said he needed to question you as well, so just keep a lookout. And keep your head. He seemed like a cool, calm and collected fella, which in my experience is the most dangerous kind. Keep safe. **end of transmission**
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