All right, first of all, on Saturday we went on an... outing with Dharma. It was me, Jai, Emma, Sandra, the Sheriff, mister (not sir) Duncan, Reese and Vega. After the meeting in the Sheriff's shuttle the week before we knew pretty much what to expect... in theory. We were supposed to retrieve some cargo, and a diversion would be created down on ground, making most, if not all, Alliance guards leave the cruiser.

When we came up, we learned that indeed had most, but not all, guards come to the aid of the townsfolk. A couple remained, and it weren't a good day for them. Two of them got shot down. It weren't...
The Sheriff had an inside man on the cruiser, and he appeared to give us the code for the cargo hold we needed to get into. T'was helpful and all, having someone on the inside, but I can't help thinking that it could go both ways. They could infiltrate us, too.
In any case, the code didn't work, and we had to venture further into the cruiser to get another one. There were replicant guards, so many of them, and they charged us. Unfortunately, when you shoot them up, they tend to smoke a lot, and when I couldn't hear metal feet moving anymore and the smoke had cleared, I saw that Jai had been knocked out cold. Sandra was still with us, but I could the footsteps of the others echoing in the distance. T'was no choice on what to do, really.

Me and Sandra stayed with Jai until she came to again, and she didn't seem worse for wear, thank God. We could hear gunfire in the distance, but before we had a chance to run to the rescue, the others came back.

The Sheriff was in a right state, he was red in the face beneath his hood and he was yelling and hollering at us for staying behind. I yelled right back at him, good and proper. Ain't nothing will keep me from sticking by a friend in danger, and the Sheriff can be a hun dan sa bi all he wants about it. I'm leaving him behind next time, see how he likes that.
... not really, but it'd be a good point to make.
After that it was pretty smooth sailing, even though Emma got trapped in a corner by more replicants and had to be pulled out, and Duncan got a good one to the head, also. But we got the cargo.
The night after we took a trip to MacLaren's Drift and Prosperity. They had a kinda shindig in the bar, but true to form, reavers decided to crash the party. It was complete chaos, bullets were flying everywhere, and before I knew it, I got clipped in the leg by friendly fire.

When I came to, Faulkin (yes, he was there too, shiny) helped me up the hill to the doc's office. They pushed me down on a cot, made me stay down, and wrapped up my leg and gave me pills from the pain. Pills made me kinda woozy, but I remember Emma being there.
I missed my ride back to Hale's, but fortunately Jai was in the neighbourhood and could swing by to pick me up the next day.
So I come back, my leg smarting something fierce, and I can't really walk that well. And then the reavers came.
I ain't sure I ever seen so many of them at a time, it was complete madness. Folks were screaming and shouting, doing what they could just to stay alive. I tried to help, but my hands were shaking funny and I couldn't aim right. But my friends... they was being cut down left and right, I had to try.
Lily thought different. I only got a hazy memory of it, Emma told me proper what happened. Lily told me I couldn't fight, that I shouldn't be up. I disagreed, and then Lily took out a gun and shot me in the gorram foot. I was knocked out pretty cold, and when I woke up, I was on a table in the infirmary with a damn needle the size of my arm in my chest.

The Sheriff said he had to stick me with it 'cause my heart weren't doing so well, and that's all kinds of unsettling. But he stitched me back up so my leg and my foot weren't bleeding so much, and had me lay down to rest.

All the while I could hear screaming and shooting and reaver howls above us, it was awful not being able to help out. Then they started pouring into the infirmary and we had to flee, the Sheriff dragging me through a hidden tunnel into the Sheriff's office. Emma took refuge there, too, and I could only watch as her and the Sheriff tried to break the seige. The windows were jam packed with reavers. I weren't very helpful.

Then somehow we got back to the infirmary, and it weren't like my legs couldn't hold me... just needed some more rest, is all. But then Emma tumbled down the stairs, with a hole through her shoulder and her legs all chewed by reavers. I don't really remember much after that, but people tell me I grabbed Brunhilde and... went to town. My first memory after seeing Emma, was me standing over the body of a dead reaver.

I'm healing up pretty good. Leg's not paining me so much anymore, it's itching more than anything.
Still. Kinda hard to sleep at night. I keep thinking about that guard as soon as I turn off the lights. I gave her a ride up to the cruiser, she'd missed her shuttle ride, the day before the... outing.

She seemed like... She weren't a bad person. But she got put in the way, and now she's dead. Something ain't right there.