After waking up this morning-- all right, it was after noon, bloody scotch, I went down to the greenhouse to see if the tomatoes had ripened, maybe water and weed a little.
This is what I found.

All my veggies are gone. All of them. Every last tomato, every last little leaf of cabbage. And I know who the culprit is. Oh, yes. It was still lurking around the scene of the crime.

One of Jai's bloody weasels has escaped and eaten the entire crop! I will have to have very strong words with her when I see her. Perhaps she already knows, because she's been strangely absent the past day or so.
Speaking of vermin, I ran into this lady recently.

Her name is x0x0 and she works for Blue Sun. She neglected to inform me of that until after we'd shaken hands. She was looking at Jai's new trade office, and then she talked a little bit about Lily. Called her a thing. What a chao chee bai.
Oh, yes, Jai's new office. It's looking real shiny, she set it up good and proper.

Disinfected the place, too, which was a good thing. The House might have had a shiny sign, but rumour has it the floors were sticky. She also moved up to the apartment just upstairs, so just like me, she won't have far to travel to get to work.

Gallagher has bought a car, a real old vintage one. It's gotta be a replica, though, I doubt he's earning enough to buy real, Earth-that-was antiques. He took me for a ride in it. I am now convinced he really is insane. I was a hair's width from losing my lunch. I'm sure cars ain't supposed to go that fast.

Apparently I am insane as well, because later in the evening I voluntarily got into the Deathmobile again. Me, Gallagher, Vega and Sandra went for a drive round town and shot down those damn Blue Sun surveillance cameras that's popped up everywhere. I must say it was very satisfying, and I got to play with the Mossberg a little more. Shiny.

... and wouldn't you know it? When I came home in the evening, Faulkin was chilling in the Lounge and he called me over. Pointed to the corner ceiling. The bastards had sneaked into my property and put up a camera. It was quickly disposed of, and then me and Faulkin drank scotch and compared peni-- I mean guns. His was really nice. Gun. His gun. The Fairlight shotgun. Nothing else.
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