She's been away from Hale's, visiting family, I believe, but today she came back. It was a joyous reunion, and me and Jai celebrated by taking Emma 'round town, showing off all the new buildings.

To top it all off, we let ourselves into Amon's apartment and jumped on his bed and drank his whiskey.

Me and Jai got our hands on some new, shiny uniforms. They look kinda like Alliance officer uniforms, but Jai insists that they are Gestapo flight attendant suits, whatever that means. They ain't Alliance, though. Impersonating an Alliance officer is illegal, yessir. Wouldn't muck about with that.

In light of the recent incidents at the Lounge, such as the Blue Sun camera and the reaver trashing, I've gotten a camera of my own for the Lounge. It should keep tabs of who's coming and going, letting me point fingers at the right perps if something should happen.

I know it's wrong to say this, but the Sheriff is so adorable with his monkey, Neelix. Just look at this photo of them cuddling. Just... adorable.
I tried to give Neelix some more fudge today, but he's abandoned me for bananas. The pain.

I met Lily today out in the Wastevillage. She seemed very agitated, talked about some danger, "danger like a dagger". She wouldn't elaborate.
She also asked me to teach her how to kiss, but that just ain't appropriate. We talked about other things, also. Just things.

Faulkin came over to the Lounge the other day to have a smoke, and I joined him. He told me about his sweetie, Sabine. She sounds like a real swell lady. Pretty, too. And curvy. He's lucky.

After a lot of tinkering, I finally finished the racks for all my girls. It turned out real shiny, and it's nice to have them all readily available.
I bet Faulkin would appreciate seeing them, being a merc also. Maybe he'd like some of his own. I'll have to ask him.
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