Mr. Duncan came for a visit today, together with a lady who's name I didn't catch. I'm getting work again, soon, from Jai, we're gonna run her shipment of coffee beans and civets to Zenobia, and Jai suspects we may need some extra protection. Duncan and the lady are gonna provide that, and all of us combined, we should be fine.

And then there's this fella, who I good and honest can't get a grasp of. He needs to get his mouth washed out with soap, that's for damn sure. Ain't the most polite or friendly guy I ever met, that's for sure. He's a mite careless with his limbs, too. Got wooden legs and a mechanical arm of some sort, seems fancy. As for other appendages, I'll leave that to someone else's imagination. Oh, and he fancies women who can cook.

This man is a newcomer, as well. Poor guy, he's on the run from his wife, 'pparantly, stole her ship or somesuch thing, and just ran. Musta been a hell of a bad marriage. He figures she was pretty ornery over the whole thing, and he weren't too keen on having his picture taken. I'm gonna go ahead with his...request and not reveal his name. God forbid his wife finds him. The 'verse hath no wrath, and so on.

I passed by the House of Negotiable Affection today. It's a shame that businesses can't stay open, no matter what you think of what they actually sell. We need more business.
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